The Miracle Games low price check
Cheaper shopping !

Found a lower offer ? Use our discount check now !

Another German shop offers lower prices ?

Just send us the link leading to this offer to We check it and we adjust your price in the best way possible.
Please note the requirements below

Requirements for a price reduction:

1. Same offer

The product has to be of the same type in our product range. The competing offer has to be a permanently lower price in EURO.
Short-term special actions may be excluded from this guarantee. For details send us your inquiry stating the product and the competing offer.

Please note that shipping costs are a part of the offer (see 2)

2. Similar terms of delivery (Shipping fees)

The offer consists of both the price of an article and the shipping fees. If the sum of both (article price + shipping fees) are lower at a competitor, you will receive a discount.

Sellers that offer lower product prices that are compensated by overcharged shipping fees are excluded from this guarantee.

3. Comparable internet store

This means German online stores that are registered tradesmen competing under the same circumstances (tax system, political system, shipping cost structure).
Sellers on platforms like ebay or shops that are planning to close their business and therefore organize a clearance sale are excluded from this guarantee.

4. Availability

The article has to be visible, in stock and ready to order in the competing online store.
We reserve the right to check the availability of the competing offer.

Availability exceptions:
We offer our low price guarantee for preorders of new Magic: The Gathering releases by Wizards of the Coast even if the products are not in stock yet. Please note that in this case the delivery date of the competing offer has to be the same.

5. The guarantee includes the following products:

- Sealed Magic in-print products like booster packs, decks, bundles, etc.
- Magic singles
- Accessories

6. Extent of the price reduction:

We check the best possible offer we can make. This means, of course, that we try to match the competing offer (product price + shipping fees), which is possible in most cases.

If the competing offer is lower than our buying price, we will make you the best possible offer (product price + shipping fees) that is economically acceptable from our point of view.

*All prices in EURO, incl. VAT. Shipping fees extra)

© 2001-2025 Miracle Games. All Rights Reserved.

Miracle Games is an online-shop offering the trading card game Magic: The Gathering by Wizards of the Coast. In addition to a wide range of Magic singles we also offer sealed MTG products like booster packs, decks, bundles and accessories.

Magic the Gathering (TM), manasymbols, Tap-Symbols, ´´Tapping´´, as well as all expansion names and symbols
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.