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Commander 2021 (Strixhaven): Extras
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Condition : near mint / excellent (nm-exc)
These cards are either in top condition or have very small traces of wear (NEAR MINT/EXCELLENT). E.g. this might be small white spots on the edge.
Please note: Cards of the latest expansions are usually in better condition than NEAR MINT, i.e. they are tending towards MINT condition.
Info: Card conditions
Please note: Cards of the latest expansions are usually in better condition than NEAR MINT, i.e. they are tending towards MINT condition.
Info: Card conditions
Condition : light played (lp)
Cards that have the ´light played´ condition show obvious but minor traces of wear.
Examples of light played traces are
- light to medium white borders and edges
- light damage at the borders as a result of shuffling
- minimal scratches or dents
- uneven centering
Info: Card conditions
Examples of light played traces are
- light to medium white borders and edges
- light damage at the borders as a result of shuffling
- minimal scratches or dents
- uneven centering
Info: Card conditions
Condition : played (pl)
Played cards have seen a lot of action and were not treated very carefully by their former owners. Therefore, traces of wear are clearly visible and quite serious.
Examples are clear white borders, damaged edges, visible scratches, even some kinks, bends or stains.
Please note: Near mint cards that have a tournament print are sold as ´played cards´ even if they do not show traces of wear.
Depending on the seriousness of the traces of wear prices have been knocked down by 20% to 60%.
Info: Card conditions
Examples are clear white borders, damaged edges, visible scratches, even some kinks, bends or stains.

Depending on the seriousness of the traces of wear prices have been knocked down by 20% to 60%.
Info: Card conditions
Condition : heavy played (hp)
Heavy played is a condition of extreme traces of wear. These cards are very seriously damaged.
We usually do not offer cards in this condition. The only exception might be that it is a card in very high demand.
Info: Card conditions
We usually do not offer cards in this condition. The only exception might be that it is a card in very high demand.
Info: Card conditions
Condition : ()
Special Price (optional)
If there is a lower price in addition to the regular price of a card registered customers may choose to get a discount on this card.
If you decide to make use of the instant discount on the single cards in your current order you will not be able to collect bonus points at the same time.
You will be able to choose your option (discount or bonus points) for this order in the order form. If you choose the option ´bonus points´ the regular card prices will apply.
If you decide to make use of the instant discount on the single cards in your current order you will not be able to collect bonus points at the same time.
You will be able to choose your option (discount or bonus points) for this order in the order form. If you choose the option ´bonus points´ the regular card prices will apply.